- Vicsport has just launched the Child Safe Online Education Program – this free online resource is designed to support Victorian sport administrators and volunteers with the Child Safe Standards - REGISTER HERE
ENSW Education
Education resources for Equestrians
Resources and links to help develop competent and knowledgeable clubs, athletes, volunteers, coaches and officials.
Developed by Equestrian NSW for use by all Australian Equestrians
Course categories
Salta site news
Site news
Working with Children Checks & New EA LMS
Working with Children Check Requirements
WWCC will be compulsory for all Volunteers and Officials at EA events from 1 July 2023. A link to the EA website explaining requirements can be found under 'Additional Resources for Clubs/ Useful Links'
EA Learning Management System
EA have also launched their LMS linked to the Sports Australia LMS. This LMS will house Equestrian Specific Training Materials as well as links to generic sports administrator and coach training.
The link to the EA LMS can be found 'Training Programs for Club Committee Members & Officials\ Equestrian Australia Learning Management System'
Last Club Forum Sessions for 2022
Our last club forums for 2022 will be running over the next two weeks:
6th December - Galston - 7pm - The Galston Club
7th December - ZOOM - 7pm
12th December - Tamworth - 7pm - AELEC
Salta available courses
Available courses

The NSW Coaches committee organised Veterinarian Dr Karen Luke to hold a webinar on Horse Welfare. Available to coaches and ENSW members.

The first course in the Horse Welfare series which cover the welfare of horses at events.

This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of horse welfare with particular focus on the times we are not riding or working with our horses - those other 23 hours.
From understanding the 5 Domains Model of Animal Welfare, the horse's natural way of being to reviewing policies and making a commitment to the welfare of the horse.
Webinar recording of an online session covering social media for clubs. Includes how to use the free version of Canva, tips and tricks for handling times when negative things pop up on social media and access to a handout to access templates clubs can use to create their own social media posts. Plus, links to further information on social media for sporting organisations.
Running your club - Financial Management

Victorian Specific - Enter to access our Affiliate Toolkit and Child Safety Compliance Toolkit.

Welcome to the Equestrian Clubs Manual
This manual has been produced to provide guidance and support to the committees who run equestrian clubs by gathering all relevant information for clubs into the one place.
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll

Event Risk Assessment & Management Plan Template for use by Equestrian Clubs
This document has been created in WORD and can be downloaded and customised as required

A completed example of an event risk assessment and risk management plan.
This document has been created in WORD and can be downloaded and customised as required

A Club Risk Management Template for use by clubs covering the 5 risk areas common to Equestrian Clubs.
This document has been created in WORD and can be downloaded and customised

An example of a completed Club Risk Management Plan - covering the 5 main risk areas for clubs
This is a Word Document that can be used and modified by clubs

A checklist of things to consider when leasing an equestrian venue.
A link to the Sports Australia Game Plan - a tool for clubs to assess the health of their Club and develop a strategic plan to take their club forward.

This code of practice: Managing Risks when New or Inexperienced Riders or Handlers Interact with Horses in the Workplace is an approved code of practice under section 274 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) and has been developed by SafeWork NSW.
An approved code of practice is a practical guide
to achieving the standards of health, safety and
welfare required under the Work Health and
Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) and the Work Health
and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation).

Tips and Ideas for club communications as well as obtaining sponsorship and grants

As part of Equestrian Australia’s (EA’s) commitment to safeguarding children and young people in the sport of Equestrian, and in line with the EA Child Safeguarding Policy, EA will be implementing mandatory Working with Children Check’s for all EA Officials to take effect from 1 July 2023.
Working with Children Check (WWCC) laws are currently in place in all Australian states and territories and aim to prevent people who pose a risk to children from working with children as paid employees or volunteers.
The Link will take you to the EA page detailing requirementsDirector/ Club Committee Knowledge Check
An overview of Risk Management for Equestrian Clubs covering why manage the risk, who is to manage risk and the 5 key areas of risk management.
This course provides sport administrators with background on Sport Integrity Australia, the development of the National Integrity Framework, and why it was developed including an overview of each Policy.

The PBTR Harassment and Discrimination online course is an interactive course that provides an introduction to discrimination law and discusses the implications of discrimination and harassment on sports clubs and associations. It provides users with an understanding of discrimination and harassment and what to do if an incident occurs.

The Child Safeguarding in Sport Induction course is for any person and any organisation who is bound by the Child Safeguarding policy. The course provides the foundation knowledge and education required to understand and implement the Child Safeguarding Policy.

The PBTR LGBTI+ course is designed to help sporting organisations adopt a culture that is inclusive of LGBTI+ people. This course will assist participants to define the LGBTI+ inclusion, adopt inclusive language, and address barriers to inclusion in the future.

The PBTR Complaint Handling course is designed to help users understand strategies around how to handle complaints appropriately and efficiently. Participants are encouraged to complete both the Child Protection and the Harassment and Discrimination courses prior to this course.

This online course is aimed at first time and beginner officials (eg. parents). The course contains three modules and will take approximately three hours to complete.
There are assessments included within each module of the course.
A certificate will be available for you when you successfully complete the course.
For those officials who wish to become accredited, the Community Officiating General Principles course provides the first step towards accreditation.
ENSW Equibility Assisted Walk Test AW 1-22
Suitable for Riders developing confidence in competition, who may need some support at times. Suitable for led riders.
ENSW Equibility Assisted Walk Test: AW 2-22
Suitable for Riders developing confidence in competition, who may need some support at times. Suitable for led riders
Procedures for assistants supporting Equibility riders

A short program for people becoming accredited EA helmet taggers
Duration: 10 minutes
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
- Course creator: Vireena Peacock
Link to EA Judges Pathway
Link to EA information on How to become a Vaulting Coach
Job Descriptions including competency and equipment requirements for volunteers at Vaulting Events

Will Enzinger chairs a discussion for coaches on the pathways to level 2 and level 3.

The slide deck for HP Level II Eventing Coaches
If you work with horses, you need to be aware of the risks and plan ahead to keep workers and others safe.
This page provides information and resources on managing risks associated with working with horses.
The Link takes you to SAFE WORK NSW's website

Coaching NSW Horse Welfare - Recorded Seminar February 2023
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
Coaching Teenagers - Recorded October 2024

Coach Care Tips. Presented by Linley Cornish

2024 Coach Development Day Ellie Miller presents on Children with Attributes - Understanding Neurodiversity.

- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
Ben Netterfield Presentation on Mindset recorded at the June 2024 Coaches Development Day.

Performing and Competing - Mental Skills for Competition
Recorded Live at the 2022 Coach Development Day
Presented by Warren Kennough
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
Business Tips
Zoom session presented by Kayla Russell
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
Social Media How to Brand Your Business Online |
Zoom session presented by Georgia Gall
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll

- Course creator: Jenny Carroll

- Course creator: Jenny Carroll

- Course creator: Jenny Carroll

- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
Versatility in the Training of the Dressage Horse (part 1)
Video recorded live at the 2022 Coach Development Day
Presented by Colleen Brook
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
Versatility in the Training of the Dressage Horse (part 2)
Video recorded live at the 2022 Coach Development Day
Presented by Colleen Brook
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
Jessica Meredith Presentation on Driving.

Jessica Meredith Driving Demonstration
SIEC Indoor
June 2024
Coach Development Day

Coaching NSW - Recorded Seminar Safety in Eventing
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
Schooling the Jumping Horse on the Flat (part 2)
Video recorded live at the 2022 Coach Development Day
Presented by Rozzie Ryan
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
Schooling the Jumping Horse on the Flat (part 1)
Video recorded live at the 2022 Coach Development Day
Presented by Rozzie Ryan
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
- Course creator: Jenny Carroll
Vaulting Display
Recorded live at the 2022 Coach Development Day
Presented by Gillian Burns

- Course creator: Jenny Carroll

Megan Bryant discusses coaching of the Show RiderLink to Video
Vireena Peacocks Presentation - an update on ENSW's strategic plan.

ENSW's collaboration with The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award empowers young equestrians to shape the future of their sport by supporting their aspirations and fostering their voluntary involvement. https://www.sport.nsw.gov.au/dukeofed
Be sure to join us on Facebook.